Seventy-five million euros for the three-year period 2021-2023 for adaptation to climate change in UNESCO sites of naturalistic interest,of which many are located in the Lombardy region, and in national parks, provided by a new program of interventions by the Ministry of the Environment. The recipients of the fund are the Municipalities, in consultation with the managing bodies of the Unesco sites and the competent safeguard authorities and the park bodies for intangible cultural heritage.
In addition to adaptation to climate change and the reduction of emissions, also through actions in support of sustainable forest management, the financial resources are destined for energy efficiency interventions of the public real estate assets of local authorities that fall within the Unesco territories, for the construction of small-scale plants for the production of energy from renewable sources and for sustainable mobility services and infrastructures and means and structures for monitoring, controlling and combating pollution.
For more information visit this website (in Italian):