naturachevale Preda-Rossa_Canobbio

The PAF – Prioritised Action Framework drawn up in the GESTIRE LIFE Project, is a multi-annual planning document that identifies priority actions for the Natura 2000 network in Lombardy.

The PAF provides an overview of the Natura 2000 Network, the current regulations, the state of conservation and risks factors of habitats and species in Lombardy. It includes an estimate of the Natura 2000 network management costs, the strategic conservation objectives, the description of the key measures and the funding sources to be activated to achieve them.

Download the PAF

The PAF implies a very complex multi-year strategy that will be implemented in a longer time frame than that of the GESTIRE2020 project. GESTIRE2020 will implement the priorities and the most urgent conservation measures highlighted by the PAF. The actions of the project will be set in a long-term perspective, in order to ensure, after the end of the project, the full implementation of the PAF.

In order to monitor the project progresses towards the implementation of the PAF (action D4), indicators and data to be collected have been identified to quantify and assess the level of achievement of conservation priorities, also on the basis of the other monitoring activities (monitoring of habitats and species, action D1, socio-economic monitoring, action D2).

The results of the monitoring activity will be used for the biennial review of the PAF – required by the Habitats Directive – also to assess the need for its updating in the light of a better understanding of the necessary measures. The assessment of the degree of implementation of the PAF will improve the management of Natura 2000 and if needed to redirect policies by resetting the priorities.
