Encouraging concrete and effective use of complementary funds is one of the most substantial and at the same time more ambitious goals of Life Gestire 2020 project.
For this reason, the Gestire 2020 team was invited to bring its own experiences, impressions and proposals for a productive and efficient use of Rural Development Program funds during the workshop “Natura 2000: Making an effective use of the support opportunities under the Rural Development Policy” held on 28 September in Brussels (download the presentation).
During the intervention of the Transverse Facilitator Technician Mattia Bertocchi, the old and new criticalities of the RDF have been highlighted. While bureaucratic complexity and the inadequate financial consistency of some measures are barriers that need to be addressed at European and regional level, on the other, important opportunities of the current programming are emerging, especially focusing on environmemntal themes.
In this context, the support offered by Gestire 2020 through the facilitators has been seen at European level as an interesting innovation tool to help the use of these important sources of funding and at the same time to bring institutions and stakeholders closer together.